Competition Events
NSDA Main Events:
Dramatic Interpretation- a presentation of dramatic literature from published, printed novels, short stories, plays, or poetry. Must be memorized.
Time limit: 10 minutes
Duo Interpretation- a presentation of material from published, printed novels, short stories, plays or poetry with two performers. Performers may play one or more characters and will maintain off-stage focus. Must be memorized.
Time Limit: 10 minutes
Humorous Interpretation- a presentation of humorous literature from published, printed novels, short stories, plays, or poetry. Must be memorized.
Time limit: 10 minutes
Program of Oral Interpretation- a program of oral interpretation of thematically-linked selections chosen from two or three genres: prose, poetry, dramas (plays). Must use a script.
Time Limit: 10 minutes
NSDA Supplemental Events:
Poetry- a presentation of a poem or poems linked together with transitions. Must use a script.
Time Limit: 5 minutes
Prose- a presentation of literature from prose works such as novels, essays, short stories, etc. but not from poetry or plays. Must use a script.
Time Limit: 10 minutes
Storytelling- an actor will recreate the delights of an interesting story from published, unpublished, retold, or original sources. Content may be humorous or serious. Must be memorized. Props are allowed but the student may be allowed to sit in a chair.
Time Limit: 8 minutes
THSSDL Exclusive Events:
Pantomime- a prepared, rehearsed silent, solo performance
Time Limit: 5 minutes
Platform Speaking:
NSDA Main Events:
Extemporaneous Speaking- a limited prep event in which the speaker demonstrates a knowledge of current events, and the ability to speak without a prepared speech or notes.
Time Limit: Prep- 30 minutes. Speak- 7 minutes
Informative Speaking- an original, memorized speech designed to explain, define, describe, illustrate a particular subject for the audience to gain understanding and/or knowledge of a
Time Limit: 10 minutes
Original Oratory- a prepared, memorized speech to persuade. The speech must be the competitor’s own work including research, organization and preparation.
Time Limit: 10 minutes
NSDA Supplemental Events:
Impromptu Speaking- a limited prep event in which the speaker prepares and delivers a speech based on a drawn topic. Topics may range from movies, news, books, things, and quotes. Penalties will be imposed for speaking less than three minutes.
Time Limit: 7 minutes total- 4 may be used for prep
THSSDL Exclusive Events:
After-Dinner Speaking- a speech to entertain or satirize. This is not a monologue or collection of jokes, but a well-organized, memorized speech on a topic of the competitor’s choosing.
Time Limit: 8 minutes
TV Broadcasting- a five minute newscast as it might be seen on television. The newscast will be drawn from a packet of news provided.
Time Limit: Prep- 30 minutes. Speak- 5 minutes